Disney is still committed to adapting their most beloved animated films into live-action movies, despite their past attempts receiving mixed reviews at best. Cinderella, which they already remade in 2015, is next on the chopping block. However, according to a new report, the film will potentially be the most unfaithful adaptation thus far. In fact, it won’t even include Cinderella. The new live-action Prince Charming movie was announced last October, with Paddington‘s Paul King developing the film. Chris Hemsworth was also in talks to play the titular Prince, although, that appears to have fallen through. Since then, Twisters star Daisy Edgar-Jones has reportedly been cast in the movie, and her role has just been revealed.
A Disney leak just revealed how much the live-action ‘Prince Charming’ will change from ‘Cinderella,’ and that Daisy Edgar-Jones has joined the cast. Read More