March 15, 2025 12:50 am

Francis Ford Coppola Is Reportedly Still Paying for Megalopolis
Francis Ford Coppola Is Reportedly Still Paying for Megalopolis

Francis Ford Coppola Is Reportedly Still Paying for Megalopolis

When Lionsgate stepped up to distribute Megalopolis, director Francis Ford Coppola’s polarizing science-fiction epic, it turned out to be a good news/bad news scenario. The good news is that the movie finally landed a distributor for its North American rollout. The bad news is that Coppola isn’t done handing over money because the studio expects him to foot most of the bill for the film’s marketing. Per The Hollywood Reporter, the deal to distribute Megalopolis includes putting the film on more than 1500 screens, which includes premium IMAX locations, but this required a $15-20 million budget for marketing, and Lionsgate did not agree to pay that portion of the costs.


​Lionsgate stepped up to distribute Francis Ford Coppola’s polarizing sci-fi epic but they are having the director front most of the marketing budget. Read More