Hammer Films invites you to screen Doctor Jekyll, a new adaptation of the classic tale from Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novella starring Eddie Izzard. Directed by Joe Stephenson, Doctor Jekyll is a slow-burn gothic horror that delves into themes of duality, concocting a surprising mix of dark humor and flashes of camp within a twisted fairytale. The film also stars Scott Chambers, Simon Callow, Lindsay Duncan, Jonathan Hyde, Morgan Watkins and Robyn Cara. Doctor Jekyll will open in theaters and on demand beginning August 2, 2024.
Read More Hammer Films invites you to screen Doctor Jekyll, a new adaptation of the classic tale from Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novella starring Eddie Izzard. Directed by Joe Stephenson, Doctor Jekyll is a slow-burn gothic horror that delves into themes of duality, concocting a surprising mix of dark humor and flashes of camp within a twisted fairytale. The film also stars Scott Chambers, Simon Callow, Lindsay Duncan, Jonathan Hyde, Morgan Watkins and Robyn Cara. Doctor Jekyll will open in theaters and on demand beginning August 2, 2024.