December 26, 2024 10:42 am

The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout Explores the Infamous John Wayne Movie
The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout Explores the Infamous John Wayne Movie

The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout Explores the Infamous John Wayne Movie

A horrible film, an American tragedy, a worldwide nightmare. That’s the logline of the upcoming documentary The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout from Blue Fox Entertainment, which goes behind the scenes of an infamous John Wayne movie that was filmed near an atomic bomb test site, and one in which he wore ‘yellowface’ to play Genghis Khan. Written and directed by William Nunez (The Laureate), Hollywood Fallout exists in the long tradition of documentaries about disastrous productions, such as Burden of Dreams and Hearts of Darkness. You can check out the trailer for the new film above and learn more about it below.


​The notorious production of The Conqueror, which gave half its cast and crew cancer, is the subject of the new documentary. Read More