July 26, 2024 11:20 pm

Yes, There’s a Wonderful New ‘Fletch’ Movie Starring Jon Hamm. Not That You’d Know It Exists at All
Yes, There’s a Wonderful New ‘Fletch’ Movie Starring Jon Hamm. Not That You’d Know It Exists at All

Yes, There’s a Wonderful New ‘Fletch’ Movie Starring Jon Hamm. Not That You’d Know It Exists at All

A lack of marketing and a loss of faith in “little” movies almost made this star-driven, comedy-mystery disappear—it’s actually the best 2022 film you’ve never heard of.

Read More A lack of marketing and a loss of faith in “little” movies almost made this star-driven, comedy-mystery disappear—it’s actually the best 2022 film you’ve never heard of.